Wednesday, March 26, 2025
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Latest Publications

  1. George, Anns; Jose, Adon; Krishnapriya, T.; Francis, Tony; Joseph, Cyriac; Biju, P. R. Tunable luminescence and energy transfer mechanism of Ca2Sb2O7:Dy3+ host sensitized single phase cool white light emitting phosphor JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY 2022
  2. A George, SK Jose, A Jose, C Joseph, PR Biju Tunable multicolor luminescence and energy transfer mechanism in Eu3+/Dy3+ co-doped Ca2Sb2O7 phosphor under UV excitation  Optics & Laser Technology 2022, 151, 108029  (2022)
  3. Anjana S. Nair, Keerthana C. S, Jisha Elsa Abraham, Pranav George, Cyriac Joseph, P.R. Biju, N.V. Unnikrishnan, Saritha A C, Effect of substrate temperature on the near-infrared shielding properties of WO3-x thin films deposited by RF magnetron sputtering, Vacuum, Volume 202, 2022, 111143,
  4. A Jose, T Krishnapriya, A George, JR Jose, PS Vijoy, C Joseph, PR Biju Excitation dependent luminescence of Er3+/Sm3+ co-activated multicomponent borosilicate glasses via energy transfer analysis Chemical Physics Letters 2022,  792, 139432
  5. A Jose, T Krishnapriya, JR Jose, C Joseph, PR Biju NIR photoluminescent characteristics of Nd3+ activated fluoroborosilicate glasses for laser material applications  Physica B: Condensed Matter 2022, 634, 413772  (2022)
  6. A Jose, T Krishnapriya, E Sreeja, JR Jose, C Joseph, PR Biju Role of energy transfer on the luminescent performance of UV light driven Er3+/Dy3+ co-activated fluoroborosilicate glasses  Vacuum 199, 110927  (2022)
  7. MS Sajna, MS Sanu, G Vimal, VP Prakashan, PR Biju, C Joseph, … SPR coupled luminescence enhancement of Er3+/Au NPs-doped multicomponent tellurite glasses Optical Materials 131, 112637 (2022)
  8. E Sreeja, A Jose, A George, NV Unnikrishnan, C Joseph, PR Biju Upconversion photoluminescence and radiative properties of Ba2CaWO6: Er3+ phosphors for photonic applications  Infrared Physics & Technology 123, 104184 (2022)
  9. T Krishnapriya, A Jose, JR Jose, PS Vijoy, C Joseph, PR Biju Concentration dependent luminescence, energy transfer and Judd-Ofelt analysis of single composition white light emitting NaCa2Mg2V3O12: XEu3+ phosphor Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 143, 106498  (2022)
  10. A George, PA Aiswarya, C Rajalakshmi, VI Thomas, C Joseph, PR Biju Electronic structure and luminescence characteristics of rare earth free self-activated  Ca2Sb2O7 blue emitting phosphor Current Applied Physics  (2022)
  11. T Krishnapriya, A Jose, JR Jose, C Joseph, PR Biju Synthesis and luminescence characteristics of Na6Ca (1-X) P2O9: X Dy3+ phosphor for outdoor lighting applications Materials Chemistry and Physics 280, 125827 (2022)
  12. E Sreeja, S Gopi, T Krishnapriya, NV Unnikrishnan, C Joseph, PR Biju Photoluminescent enhancement by the incorporation of Bi3+ in Ba2CaWO6: Eu3+ phosphors Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 33 (4), 1851-1863 (2022)
  13. N Paunović, Z Dohčević-Mitrović, DM Djokić, S Aškrabić, S Lazović, …Revealing plasmon-phonon interaction in nanocrystalline MgFe2O4 spinels by far-infrared reflection spectroscopy Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 149, 106889 (2022)
  14. J Cyriac, S Augustine, N Kalarikkal, S Mukherjee, M Ahmed, … A study of Cr3+-substitution induced defects restructuring in BiFeO3 by positron annihilation and other supportive methods  Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 142, 115286 (2022)
  15. MG Praveena, S Thoufeeq, B Manikanta, MT Rahul, RN Bhowmik, … A magnetoelectric nanocomposite based on 2 dimensional Cr2O3 and CoFe2O4Solid State Communications, 114865 (2022)
  16. GG Nair, AR Pai, N Kalarikkal, S Thomas, PC Thomas Electromagnetic Attenuation Performance of Sustainable e-Textile Derived from Polypyrrole Impregnated Jute Fabrics with Predominant Microwave Absorption Journal of Natural Fibers, 1-14 (2022)
  17. S Radhakrishnan, S Lakshmy, S Santhosh, N Kalarikkal, B Chakraborty, … Recent Developments and Future Perspective on Electrochemical Glucose Sensors Based on 2D Materials Biosensors 12 (7), 467 (2022)
  18. N Padiyakkuth, R Antoine, N Kalarikkal Random lasing in rhodamine 6G dye-Kaolinite nanoclay colloids under single shot nanosecond pumping Optical Materials 129, 112408 (2022)
  19. JS George, AT Hoang, N Kalarikkal, P Nguyen-Tri, S Thomas Recent advances in bio-inspired multifunctional coatings for corrosion protection Progress in Organic Coatings 168, 106858 (2022)
  20. J Jose, AR Pai, DA Gopakumar, Y Dalvi, V Ruby, SG Bhat, D Pasquini, … Novel 3D porous aerogels engineered at nano scale from cellulose nano fibers and curcumin: An effective treatment for chronic wounds Carbohydrate Polymers 287, 119338 (2022)
  21. J Thomas, ME Thomas, J Abraham, B Francis, Z Ahmad, B Patanair, … Exploring the reinforcing mechanism and micromechanical models for the interphase characteristics in melt mixed XLPE‐fumed SiO2 nanocomposites Journal of Applied Polymer Science 139 (24), 52366 (2022)
  22. MT Rahul, SK Chacko, K Vinodan, B Raneesh, BC Bhadrapriya, BA Bose, … Multiferroic and energy harvesting characteristics of P (VDF-TrFE)-CuFe2O4 flexible films Polymer 252, 124910 (2022)
  23. S Preetha, R Pillai, S Ramamoorthy, A Mayeen, KM Archana, N Kalarikkal, … TiO2–rGO nanocomposites with high rGO content and luminescence quenching through green redox synthesis Surfaces and Interfaces 30, 101812 (2022)
  24. S Santhosh, H Teller, A Schechter, N Kalarikkal Chem Cat Chem Effect of Mn Doped Ni− Co Mixed Oxide Catalysts on Urea Oxidation, e202200257 (2022)
  25. Hybrid materials for electromagnetic shielding: A review SM Zachariah, Y Grohens, N Kalarikkal, S Thomas Polymer Composites 43 (5), 2507-2544 (2022)
  26. The effect of adding carbon black to natural rubber/butadiene rubber blends on curing, morphological, and mechanical characteristics A Vayyaprontavida Kaliyathan, AV Rane, M Huskic, K Kanny, M Kunaver, … Journal of Applied Polymer Science 139 (16), 51967 (2022)
  27. Al3Fe5O12 nanoparticles loaded electrospun PVDF fibres: An inorganic-organic material with multifunctional traits MT Rahul, SK Chacko, B Raneesh, PMG Nambissan, N Kalarikkal, … Materials Chemistry and Physics 282, 125977 (2022)
  28. Revealing plasmon-phonon interaction in nanocrystalline MgFe2O4 spinels by far-infrared reflection spectroscopy N Paunović, Z Dohčević-Mitrović, DM Djokić, S Aškrabić, S Lazović, …Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 149, 106889(2022)
  29. A study of Cr3+-substitution induced defects restructuring in BiFeO3 by positron annihilation and other supportive methods J Cyriac, S Augustine, N Kalarikkal, S Mukherjee, M Ahmed, … Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 142, 115286 (2022)
  30. A magnetoelectric nanocomposite based on 2 dimensional Cr2O3 and CoFe2O4 MG Praveena, S Thoufeeq, B Manikanta, MT Rahul, RN Bhowmik, … Solid State Communications, 114865 (2022)
  31. Electromagnetic Attenuation Performance of Sustainable e-Textile Derived from Polypyrrole Impregnated Jute Fabrics with Predominant Microwave Absorption  GG Nair, AR Pai, N Kalarikkal, S Thomas, PC Thomas Journal of Natural Fibers, 1-14 (2022)
  32. Recent Developments and Future Perspective on Electrochemical Glucose Sensors Based on 2D Materials S Radhakrishnan, S Lakshmy, S Santhosh, N Kalarikkal, B Chakraborty, … Biosensors 12 (7), 467 (2022)
  33. Random lasing in rhodamine 6G dye-Kaolinite nanoclay colloids under single shot nanosecond pumping N Padiyakkuth, R Antoine, N Kalarikkal Optical Materials 129, 112408 (2022)
  34. Recent advances in bio-inspired multifunctional coatings for corrosion protection JS George, AT Hoang, N Kalarikkal, P Nguyen-Tri, S Thomas Progress in Organic Coatings 168, 106858 (2022)
  35. Novel 3D porous aerogels engineered at nano scale from cellulose nano fibers and curcumin: An effective treatment for chronic wounds J Jose, AR Pai, DA Gopakumar, Y Dalvi, V Ruby, SG Bhat, D Pasquini, … Carbohydrate Polymers 287, 119338  (2022)
  36. Exploring the reinforcing mechanism and micromechanical models for the interphase characteristics in melt mixed XLPE‐fumed SiO2nanocomposites J Thomas, ME Thomas, J Abraham, B Francis, Z Ahmad, B Patanair, … Journal of Applied Polymer Science 139 (24), 52366 (2022)
  37. Multiferroic and energy harvesting characteristics of P (VDF-TrFE)-CuFe2O4 flexible films MT Rahul, SK Chacko, K Vinodan, B Raneesh, BC Bhadrapriya, BA Bose, … Polymer 252, 124910 (2022)
  38. TiO2–rGO nanocomposites with high rGO content and luminescence quenching through green redox synthesis S Preetha, R Pillai, S Ramamoorthy, A Mayeen, KM Archana, N Kalarikkal, … Surfaces and Interfaces 30, 101812 (2022)
  39. Effect of Mn Doped Ni− Co Mixed Oxide Catalysts on Urea Oxidation S Santhosh, H Teller, A Schechter, N Kalarikkal ChemCatChem, e202200257 (2022)
  40. Hybrid materials for electromagnetic shielding: A review SM Zachariah, Y Grohens, N Kalarikkal, S Thomas Polymer Composites 43 (5), 2507-2544 (2022)
  41. The effect of adding carbon black to natural rubber/butadiene rubber blends on curing, morphological, and mechanical characteristics A Vayyaprontavida Kaliyathan, AV Rane, M Huskic, K Kanny, M Kunaver, … Journal of Applied Polymer Science 139 (16), 51967 (2022)
  42. Lithium-ion battery separators based on electrospun PVDF: A review K Bicy, AB Gueye, D Rouxel, N Kalarikkal, S Thomas Surfaces and Interfaces, 101977(2022)
  43. Al3Fe5O12 nanoparticles loaded electrospun PVDF fibres: An inorganic-organic material with multifunctional traits MT Rahul, SK Chacko, B Raneesh, PMG Nambissan, N Kalarikkal, … Materials Chemistry and Physics 282, 125977(2022)
  44. Hydrated metal salt and Y3Fe5O12–Na0. 5K0. 5NbO3-incorporated P (VDF-HFP) films: a promising combination of materials with multiferroic and energy harvesting properties MT Rahul, SK Chacko, B Raneesh, KA Philip, N Kalarikkal, D Rouxel, …Journal of Materials Science 57 (15), 7653-7666 (2022)
  45. Detection of nitrobenzene in pristine and metal decorated 2D dichalcogenide VSe2: Perspectives from density functional theory G Sanyal, S Lakshmy, A Vaidyanathan, N Kalarikkal, B Chakraborty Surfaces and Interfaces 29, 101816 (2022)
  46. Mechanical responses of epoxy/cloisite nanocomposites A Surendran, J Pionteck, N Kalarikkal, S Thomas Materials Chemistry and Physics 281, 125755 (2022)
  47. Sustainable lithium-ion battery separators derived from polyethylene oxide/lignocellulose coated electrospun P (VDF-TrFE) nanofibrous membranes K Bicy, DE Mathew, AM Stephen, I Royaud, M Poncot, O Godard, … Surfaces and Interfaces 29, 101716 (2022)
  48. Catechol sensor based on pristine and transition metal embedded Holey Graphyne: A First principle Density Functional Theory Study S Lakshmy, A Kundu, N Kalarikkal, B Chakraborty Journal of Materials Chemistry B (2022)
  49. Recent Progress in Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Performance of Porous Polymer Nanocomposites—A Review AR Pai, N Puthiyaveettil Azeez, B Thankan, N Gopakumar, M Jaroszewski, … Energies 15 (11), 3901 (2022)
  50. Cashew Apple Extract: A Novel, Potential Green Reducing Agent for the Synthesis of Reduced Graphene Oxide JS George, JK Paduvilan, P Velayudhan, N Kalarikkal, N Hameed, … Journal of Nano Research 71, 57-70 (2022)
  51. Cisplatin encapsulated nanoparticles from polymer blends for anti-cancer drug delivery KS Joshy, R Augustine, A Hasan, AA Zahid, SM Alex, YB Dalvi, F Mraiche, …New Journal of Chemistry 46 (12), 5819-5829 (2022)
  52. Comparative study of structural and optical behavior of Er3+ doped Y2SiO5 phosphor prepared by different methods K Upadhyay, S Thomas, RK Tamrakar, N Kalarikkal, S Butoliya Materials Science and Engineering: B 275, 115511 (2022)
  53. Advances and future outlook in epoxy/graphene composites for anticorrosive applications JS George, JK Paduvilan, N Salim, J Sunarso, N Kalarikkal, N Hameed, … Progress in Organic Coatings 162, 106571, (2022)

Past Publications











