Dr. Cyriac Joseph
School of Pure & Applied Physics
Mahatma Gandhi University
Kottayam-686 560,India
Email: cyriacjoseph@mgu.ac.in/cyriacmgu@gmail.com
Phone: +91 9447000537
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Ph.D. in Physics
(Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, India)
Title of the Ph.D. thesis: Growth and Characterization of mixed rare earth oxalate crystals
M.Sc. Physics with specialization in Solid State Physics
(Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kerala)
Fellowships awarded
Senior Research Fellowship awarded by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Govt. of India
Research Area: Crystalline Materials
Crystal Growth and characterization
Nanocrystalline materials
Luminescent materials
Research Activities
Ph.D s supervised: 8
Ph.D s Co-supervised: 4
Number of current Ph.D. students: 7
Number of M.Phil. projects supervised: 10
Number of research projects completed (Co- PI): 3
Number of seminars convened: 2
Research Publications
Number of publications: 179
Number of book chapters: 4
Citations – 2520
h –index – 28
Membership of Professional/Academic bodies
Indian Crystallographic Association
Association of Physics Teachers
Crystalline Materials
The Crystalline materials research group has done considerable work on the growth of high-quality organic/inorganic single crystals, their characterization, and the study of physical properties. The group was successful in the growth of a number of technologically important single crystals. Currently, we are focusing on the synthesis and characterization of rare-earth-based single and nanocrystals. The magnetic and luminescent properties of rare-earth-based compounds make them technologically important which prompted the development of a series of new materials based on rare earth having applications in almost all the fields of modern technology. Research activities are concentrated in the development of rare-earth-activated luminescent materials and engineering the optical properties. Our group has developed several novel rare-earth-based phosphors based on vanadate, tungstate, phosphate, oxalate, molybdate, etc.
Recent Research Publications
- Spectroscopic and phonon side band analysis of Tb 2−x Eu x (MoO 4 ) 3 nanophosphor K P Mani, G Vimal, P R Biju, N V Unnikrishnan, M A Ittyachen, Cyriac Joseph, Journal of Molecular Structure 1105 (2016) 279
- Tunable emission and excited state absorption induced optical limiting in Tb 2 (MoO 4 ) 3 :Sm 3+ /Eu 3+ nanophosphors K P Mani, P Sreekanth, G Vimal, P R Biju, N V Unnikrishnan, M A Ittyachen, R Philip, Cyriac Joseph, Optical Materials 62 (2016) 110
- Growth and characterization of Sm 3+ doped cerium oxalate single crystals M C Mary, G Vimal, K P Mani, G Jose, P R Biju, NV Unnikrishnan, Cyriac Joseph, Journal of materials Research and Technology 5(3) (2016) 268
- Evidence for enhanced optical properties through plasmon resonance energy transfer in silver silica nanocomposites B Mol, L K Joy, H Thomas, V Thomas, Cyriac Joseph, T N Narayanan, N V Unnikrishnan, M
R Anantharaman, Nanotechnology 27 (8) (2016) 085701
- Synthesis and optical characterization of host sensitized color tunable Tb 2-x Eu x (MoO 4 ) 3 nanophosphors for optoelectronic applications K P Mani, P Sreekanth, G Vimal, P R Biju, N V Unnikrishnan, M A Ittyachen, R Philip,Cyriac Joseph, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 27(2016) 966
- Photoluminescence properties of fully concentrated Terbium oxalate: A novel efficient green emitting phosphor Dinu Alexander, K Thomas, S Sisira, G Vimal, KP Mani, P R Biju, N V Unnikrishnan, M A Ittyachan, Cyriac Joseph, Materials Letters 189 (2017) 160
- Microstructural characterization and optical properties of green emitting hexagonal and monoclinic CePO 4 : Tb 3+ nanocrystals S Sisira, D Alexander, K Thomas, G Vimal, K P Mani, P R Biju, NV Unnikrishnan, Cyriac Joseph,Materials Research Express 4 (2) (2017) 025010.
- NUV/Blue LED excitable intense green emitting Terbium doped Lanthanum molybdate nanophosphors for white LED applications Kukku Thomas, D Alexander, S Sisira, P R Biju, N V Unnikrishnan, M A Ittyachan,
Cyriac Joseph
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics : DOI 10.1007/s10854-017- 7708-6
- Effect of annealing temperature on the luminescence of Ce 1-x PO 4 : Tb x 3+ nanocrystals: A novel theoretical model and experimental verification S Sisira, D Alexander, K Thomas, G Vimal, K P Mani, P R Biju, NV Unnikrishnan,Cyriac Joseph
Journal of Materials Science : DOI 10.1007/s10853-017- 1600-x
- Synthesis and optical characterization of sub-5 nm Terbium oxalate nanocrystals: A novel intense green emitting phosphor Dinu Alexander, K Thomas, S Sisira, G Vimal, KP Mani, P R Biju, N V Unnikrishnan, M A
Ittyachan, Cyriac Joseph
Dyes and Pigments 148 (2018) 386
For all publications click here