Name of the Investigator |
Title of the Project | Amount
(lakhs) |
agency |
Year |
Dr. Chandu Venugopal | Ion cyclotron instabilities in anti-loss cone plasmas | 1.01 | UGC | 1992 |
Prof. N V Unnikrishnan | Time Resolved Spectroscopy and Photoconductivity mechanism of optical materials using laser excitation | 6 | DAE | 1991 |
Prof. N V Unnikrishnan | Spectroscopic Investgations of lasing properties of Rare Earth Ions in Glassy Matrices | 8 | CSIR | 1993 |
Prof. N V Unnikrishnan | Structural and Optical Characterization of Sol-Gel Derived Materials | 2 | TWAS, Italy | 2000 |
Dr. Nandakumar Kalarikkal | Effect of Swift Heavy Ion Irradiation on the Structural and Electrical Properties of Ferroelectric Ceramics | 2.5 | NSC | 1998 |
Prof. L Godfrey | Design and Fabrication of Microprocessor based Programmable moving temperature gradient furnace for crystal growth | 1 | UGC | 1989 |
Dr. C.S. Menon | Higher order non linear elastic coefficients in high temperature superconducting intermettallic compounds | 1.74 | UGC | 1989 |
Prof. M A Ittyachen | Growth of mixed crystals of rare earths and study of its properties | 7.42 | DST | 1997 |
Prof. M A Ittyachen | Electronic and ionic conductivity studies in thin films | 2.93 | UGC | 2000 |
Prof. N V Unnikrishnan | antireflecting coatings for SOLAR CELLS using DIP coating system | 1 | ANERT | 1998 |
Prof. N V Unnikrishnan | Preparation of novel planar optical waveguides via ion-exchange/sol-gel route and their characterization | 11.98 | KSCSTE | 2011-2014 |
Prof. N V Unnikrishnan | Spectroscopic properties of certain sol gel derived anti reflection coating | 1.25 | TWAS, Italy | 2001 |
Dr. Nandakumar Kalarikkal | Dynamics of Plasma plume evolution during laser ablation of metal targets in stationary and flowing liquid media | 40 | DST | 2012-2015 |
Prof. N V Unnikrishnan | Sol-Gel Synthesis and characterization of tellurite based device materials | 15.42 | CSIR | 2012-2015 |
Prof. N V Unnikrishnan | Sol-Gel Shaping of nanostructures and their characterization for plasmonic applications | 5.752 | KSCSTE | 2014 |
Dr Nandakumar Kalarikkal | Ion beam irradiation effects on the structural and ferroic properties of selected sol-gel derived films of nanomultiferroics | 1.36 | UGC-DAE-CSR Kolkata | 1998-2001 |
Dr Nandakumar Kalarikkal | Nanoparticle aggregation behavior in polymer nanocomposites | 7.89 | UGC-DAE-CSR Kolkata | 2014-2017 |
Dr. Nandakumar Kalarikkal (PI) and Prof. Sabu Thomas (Co-PI) | Theoretical and experimental studying of electrophysical and emission properties of carbon nanoparticles,nanotubes anad graphene like nanostructures | Rs. 180 | India-Russia (DST-RSF) | 2014-17 |
Dr. Nandakumar Kalarikkal (PI) & Prof. Sabu Thomas (Co-PI) | Physics of Cavitation Bubbling and Hydrogen Generation during Liquid Phase Laser Ablation | 34.97 | DST | 2016-18 |
Dr. Nandakumar Kalarikkal (PI) | Development of one-dimensional multi-ferroic nanocomposites for device applications | 10 | BRFST-BRN KSCSTE | 2015-18 |
Dr. N V Unnikrishnan (Coordinator) | UGC: SAP-DRS Phase I Department Research Scheme | 65.65 L | UGC | 2009-2014 |
Dr. Nandakumar Kalarikkal (Coordinator) | DST FIST Phase I Department Project | 40 lakhs | DST | 2010-2015 |
Dr. Sudarsanakumar (Coordinator) | UGC:SAP-DRS Phase II Department Research Scheme | 103 Lakhs | UGC | 2017-22 |