Wednesday, March 26, 2025
A- A A+



The department has a library with around 4300 books and 503 reference books. The library is located in the first floor of the department with a carpet area approximately 2000 Sqft area having a seating capacity more than 25. The fully computerized library enables the students and researchers to access the database through the campus LAN.


Computer Lab

The department has two central computing facilities with two servers running on windows and Linux OS based systems. Students and researchers can access data analyzing tools such as MATLAB and Mathematica.



                    Name                        Make
Powder X-ray Diffractometer PanAlyticals Netherlands
LCR meter Agilent Tech USA
Single Crystal X-RAY Difractometer Bruker Germany
Electrometer Keithely, Germany
Vacuum Coating Units Hind Hivac, India
NIR Spectro Fluorimeter – Fluorolog Horiba Jobin Yuvan USA
Spectroscopic Ellipsometer Woollen USA
Time resolved Fluoromax Fluorimeter Horiba Jobin Yuvan USA
Advanced fluorescence Microscope Olymbus, U.K.
RF DC Sputtering Unit Hin High Vac , Bangalore
FTIR- (solid, Liquid, Thin Film, Powder) Thermo Nicolet- USA
TGA DTA(Thermogravimetric Analyzer) Perkin Elmer USA
Differential Scanning Calorimeter TA Instruments Germany
UV VIS NIR Spectrophotometer Agilent USA
UV vis spectrophotometer Jasco Japan
AC DC conductivity measurement set up ADEC Embedded system Goa
Electrospinning Unit Physics Equip Co Chennai
Corona Poling Unit Milman Thin Film Systems


Analysis Request form  – Download

Analysis Request form Single Crystal X-Ray Diffraction Facility – Download