Tuesday, January 7, 2025
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Dr. S. Antony

Associate Professor,

School of Pure and Applied Physics,

Mahatma Gandhi University.

Email: antonysoosaleon@yahoo.com; antonys@mgu.ac.in 

Phone:+91- 9995640753; 9497798407



Research Interests 

My research area is Theoretical Physics specialized in Plasma Physics, Solar Physics, Space Dynamics, Mathematical Physics, and Quantum Mechanics.

I have completed two projects on the Solar Coronal Heating problem under UGC Research Award Scheme 2016 -18. 

Solar Coronal Heating is a long-standing problem. It is about the anomalous heating of the outer-most layer Sun called “corona”, to a temperature of million degrees kelvin while the immediate region photosphere is at the range of 5000-degree kelvin. I have analyzed the problem theoretically using Magneto hydrodynamic theory (MHD), and I have found a new phenomenon called “Gravity Induced Resonant Emission” (GIRE), is the reason for this anomalous heating. 

GIRE is a nonthermal process of energy transfer from electromagnetic waves to the particles of the medium. The energy transfer is mediated by the mechanism of Lower Hybrid Oscillation (LHO) induced by gravity. 

A fundamental frequency for GIRE has been deduced using MHD and correspondingly all the solar spectrum has been generated using the formula (Papers are loaded in arXiv). 

The physics of GIRE in Ion Cyclotron Resonance is orchestrated by the coupled electrons in the LHO. It is a non-linear quantum mechanical process of Multi-photon ionization which is controlled by the relativistic electrons which are lost out during the ionization (for more details refer to papers).

The work has been extended for understanding Auroral Emission, found to be same also the frequency is useful for the study of Non-Thermal Emissions in any Astrophysical plasmas. 


  1. M Sc. in Physics, specialized in Material Science, graduated from this School (1990-92)
  2. Ph.D. in Theoretical Plasma Physics, from this School (1993-97)

Research/ Teaching Experiences 

  1. Faculty in this School since 2006.
  1. Faculty in the Department of Physics, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, affiliated to Anna University, Chennai, during the period June 2003 to May 2005.
  1. Faculty in the Department of Physics, Lourdes Matha College of Science and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram, affiliated to University of Kerala, during the period September 2002 to May 2003
  1. Faculty in the Department of Physics, Sherubtse College, Bhutan, affiliated to University of Delhi, during the period June 1998 to February 2001.
  2. Guest Faculty in the School of Environmental Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University (1997-98), Marian Engineering College (2001), Thiruvananthapuram, affiliated to the University of Kerala, St. Thomas College (2001), Pala, K E College (2001), Mananam affiliated to M G University.

Citation index

  • Total number of publications: 22
  • h-index : 4
  • Citation index-current: 27
  • Number of Ph.Ds Supervised: 3
  • Number of M.Phils Supervised: 12

Membership of Professional/Academic bodies

  1. Served as Governing Board Member in the Abdul Kalam Technical University Kerala, for 4 years.
  2. Served member of Board of studies of B Sc physics, Kerala University.
  3. Served member of the Board of studies of M Sc physics, Kerala University. 
  4. Served as Warden in Boys Hostel for 1 year, Sherubtse College Bhutan.
  5. Served as Warden in Boys Hostel for 4 years in Mahatma Gandhi University Kottayam.

Project Work done: 

  1. “Role of Macro Instabilities in Solar Coronal heating”, funded by UGC 2011-112
  2. “Study of Alfven waves over Solar Coronal Heating problem”, funded by UGC in the Research Award Scheme 2016-18.

Details of Workshop/Seminar organized: 

  1. An “Inspire” program for +1 & +2  students during 2012 funded by DST.
  2. 4 “Inculcate”, programs organized for 8 STD students funded by Kerala State Science and Technology Museum and Priyadarshini Planetarium, Thiruvananthapuram.
  3. Conducted a National workshop on Mathematical Physics funded by UGC.

List of Publications

  1. The influence of dust particles on electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves in a bi-Lorentzian plasma, C Venugopal, JK Varughese, S Antony, CP Anilkumar, G Renuka, Physics of Plasmas 4 (10), 3455-3460
  1. Dispersion characteristics of kinetic Alfven waves in a multi-ion plasma, C Venugopal, R Jayapal, G Sreekala, B Jose, ES Devi, S Antony, Physica Scripta 89 (6), 065604.
  1. The influence of negatively charged heavy ions on the kinetic Alfven wave in a cometary environment, V Chandu, ES Devi, R Jayapal, G Samuel, S Antony, G Renuka, Astrophysics and Space Science 339 (1), 157-164
  1. Stabilization of the lower hybrid instability excited by longitudinal currents in a multi-ion plasma, C Venugopal, MJ Kurian, CP Anilkumar, S Antony, G Renuka, Physica Scripta 73 (4), 389
  1. Gravity Induced Resonant Emission, A Soosaleon, S Ambrose, arXiv preprint arXiv:1704.07225
  1. Analysis of Lower Hybrid Drift Waves in Kappa Distributions over Solar Atmosphere A Soosaleon, B Jose, arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.01323
  1. Solar Coronal Heating by Gravity-Induced Resonant Emission, A Soosaleon, arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.11156.
  1. Multi-Photon Absorption in Gravity Induced Resonant Emission, A Soosaleon, arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.08041
  1. Analysis of EUV Solar Spectrum with Gravity Induced Resonant Emission, A Soosaleon, S Ambrose, arXiv preprint arXiv:1705.09956
  1. Two Stream Instability as a Source of Coronal Heating, A Soosaleon, B Jose, International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics 5 (02), 61
  1. Study of Two Stream Instability in Hot Collisional Plasmas over Solar Atmosphere, Antony Soosaleon, Blesson Jose, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) 4 (1), 1809 -1813
  1. Rayleigh Taylor instability in the solar atmosphere, Antony Soosaleon, Astronomical Society of India Conference Series 9, 106
  1. Dispersion characteristics of kinetic Alfven waves in a multi-ion cometary plasma, R Jayapal, NP Abraham, J Blesson, S Antony, CP Anilkumar, Astronomical Society of India Conference Series 9, 105
  1. Stability of the lower hybrid instability excited by longitudinal currents in a collisional, multi-ion plasma, C Venugopal, MJ Kurian, S Antony, CP Anilkumar, G Renuka, Physica Scripta 75 (5), 682
  1. Electrostatic instabilities in multi-ion plasmas, C Venugopal, ACP Kumar, S Antony, Indian Journal of Physics 74, 217-224
  1. A temperature anisotropic instability in a two-component bi-Lorentzian plasma, JK Varughese, S Antony, C Venugopal, Indian Journal of Physics 71, 485-493
  1. Electromagnetic ion cyclotron instability in an ALC plasma, C Venugopal, S Antony, NPS George, G Renuka, GJ Bailey, Advances in Space Research 17 (10), 245-248.
  1. Equatorial Ionospheric Scintillations and their effect on VHF/UHF communications C P Anil Kumar, C. Venugopal, N.V. Unnikrishnan, S Antony, John K Varughese, and G Renuka, ibid 335-339 (1998)
  1. The influence of dust particles on electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves in a bi-Lorentian plasma. Proc. of Fifth International School/Symposium for space simulations (1997) March 13-19, 357-360,  Chandu Venugopal, John K Varughese, S Antony, C P Anilkumar and G Renuka
  1. Dispersion Characteristic of Kinetic Alfven waves in a multi-ion cometary plasma, Proc. Of the 27th Nat. Conf.  on Plasma Science and Technology, Ed. S S Shiha, Excel India Publishers, New Delhi, pp. 471-474, 2013, Jayapal R, Savitri Devi E., Blesson Jose, S Antony, C P Anilkumar and Chandu Venugopal,

List of Conference Papers


  1. Theory of Coronal Emissions,Irish National Astronomical Meetings,  INAM-2021, Ireland , Aug. 31-Sep 3, 2021, Antony Soosaleon 
  2. Multi-photon ionisation of Coronal Elemnts,XVIIth Hvar Astrophysical Colloquium Programme, Croatia, September 20-25, 2021, Antony Soosaleon
  3. Multi-photon ionisation of Coronal Plasma,XVIIth Hvar Astrophysical Colloquium Programme, Croatia, September 20-25, 2021, Antony Soosaleon  
  4. Electromagnetic ion cyclotron instability in an anti-loss cone plasma Chandu, 30th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Hamburg, Germany (1994) July 11 – 21,   p 118. C Venugopal, S. Antony, N P Shibu  George, G  Renuka  & N Balan
  1. The influence of Dust Particles on Electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves in a bi-Lorentzian plasma Fifth International School/Symposium for Space Simulations, University of Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan (1997) March 13 – 19, p357, Chandu Venugopal, John K Varughese, S Antony, C P Anilkumar, G Renuka and N Balan,
  1. Excitation of the lower hybrid instability by longitudinal currents in a multi-ion plasma  XXVII General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science, New Delhi, India (2005) October  23 – 29. Chandu Venugopal, M J Kurian, C P Anilkumar, S Antony and G Renuka
  2. Stability of zero frequency waves in space plasma. XIII National Space Science Symposium 17-20, February 2004, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam. S Antony, Chandu Venugopal,
  1. Electromagnetic ion cyclotron instability in an Anti-loss cone plasma, V National Space Science Symposium, NSSS-95, VSSC, Thiruvanathapuram, S Antony, John K Varughese, Lally K Cyriac, Chandu Venugopal G Renuka
  1. Low-frequency dust driven instabilities in a Bi-Lorenztian plasma, Plasma’96, IPR, Gujarat,  John Varughese, S Antony, C P Anilkumar, Bindu PM, Chandu Venugopal, and G Renuka
  2. Stability of electromagnetic waves in the solar wind driven by negatively charged oxygen of cometary origin, Solar Physics Meeting at IIA Bangalore 21-24, 2011, R. Jayapal, Blesson Jose, Savitri Devi E, S Antony, Chandu Venugopal
  3. Dispersion Characteristics of Kinetic Alfven Waves in multi-ion Cometary plasma. COSPAR-2012, ISRO, Bangalore. Jayapal. R, Savithri Devi. E, Blesson Jose, S. Antony, C P Anilkumar* and Chandu Venugopal.
  1. Stability analysis of Coronal Plasmas with Skewed Electron Phase velocity distribution, PS3-207, NSSS- 2012, Sri Venkateshwara University, Tripathi.  Blesson Jose, Antony S.
  1. Magnetosonic Wave Instability in an Anti-loss cone plasma, PS3-15, NSSS- 2012, Sri Venkateshwara University, Tripati, Samuel George, Anju Sreekumar, Neethu Theresa Willington, S. Antony and Chandu Venugopal
  1. Electrostatic Modes in a Current driven, Collisional negative ion plasma, PS3-17, NSSS- 2012,  Sri Venkateshwara University, Tripati, Rajeev V, Jayapal. R, Antony S and Chandu Venugopal
  1. Dispersion Characteristics of kinetic Alfven waves in a multi-ion plasma, PS4-1, NSSS- 2012,  Sri Venkateshwara University, Tripati., Jayapal. R, SavithriDevi. E, Blesson Jose, S. Antony and Chandu Venugopal
  1. Limits for the Weibel-like instability in the central plasma sheet, International seminar on Space Science and Technology, 12-13 October 2010, NSS College, Changanachery, Blesson Jose, S Antony, Vidya Vijayan, Paulose Thomas, and Chandu Venugopal
  1. The electron cyclotron instability in a plasma with transverse currents, International seminar on Space Science and Technology, 12-13 October 2010, NSS College, Changanachery, Samuel George, R Jayapal, Savitri Devi E, S Antony and Chandu Venugopal
  1. Effect of Kinetic Pressure in Rayleigh Tailor Instability in Coronal Plasmas, Presented in 30th Astronomical Society Meeting, 19-22, February 2013, IISER, Thiruvananthapuram, Blesson Jose, Antony S

Lower Hybrid Oscillation is very fundamental, holds several secrets of the Universe.