The SPAPforum provides a common platform for former and present members of the School of Pure and Applied Physics, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam. The activities of the forum, which was started in 1997, includes creating a stage for its members to interact with eminent persons, to share ideas and work together in academic and other areas. Those who had worked for the early development of the School will have a lot of experience to share through the forum, which acts as a binding force. The alumni members working in National/International institutes often visit the parent department for delivering lectures and to interact with the students. The forum also plays a major role in non-academic activities in the School
The students and staff of the School visited the charity trust – Navjeevan- and donated financial support to the trust
The students donated Chairs to the patients coming for radiation in the Radiology Department of Kottayam Medical College
The Students are actively participated in the Swatch Bharath Abhiyan mission
The students and staff are donated fund to the CMDRF for the Kerala Flood 2018