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List of Papers published during 1991-1995


  1. M ABDULKHADAR and K C GEORGE, Electron microscopy study of aggregation of microclusters of sulphur, Pramana J. Phys., 37, 321, (1991)
  2. C VENUGOPAL, P J KURIAN and G RENUKA, Stability of second harmonic minority heating in magnetic mirror systems, Pramana J. Phys. 37, 303-310, (1991)
  3. JOHNY ISAAC, L GODFREY and J. PHILIP, A low cost precision proportional integral derivative temperature controller, Ind. J. Pure & Applied Phys. 29, 195-97, (1991)

List of Papers published during 1992

  1. GEORGE VARGHESE AND M A ITTYACHEN, Periodic precipitation in multicomponent systems, J. Mat. Sc. Letters 11, 916, (1992)
  2. GEORGE VARGHESE and M A ITTYACHEN, Effect of pH on the crystallization of La(2-x) Cux3C2O4nH204 in hydrosilica gel, Cryst. Res. Tech. 27, 157, (1992)
  3. JAYAKUMARI ISAC and M A ITTYACHEN, Growth and characterisation of rare earth mixed crystals of Samarium barium Molybdate, Bull. Mater. Sc. 15, 349., (1992)
  4. JAYAKUMARI ISAC and M A ITTYACHEN, Thermal behaviour of rare earth mixed crystals of neodymium copper oxalate, Curr. Sc. 63, 305, (1992)
  5. JAYAKUMARI ISAC, M A ITTYACHEN and M ABDULKHADAR, Growth of praseodymium barium Molybdate single crystals in silica gel, Cryst. Res. Tech. 27, 381, (1992)
  6. K C GEORGE and M ABDULKHADAR, Crystal structure of microclusters of silver, Cryst. Res. Tech. 27, 387, (1992)
  7. N V UNNIKRISHNAN, R D SINGH and M MATERA, Pulsed laser induced photoconductivity in ZnS – II., J. Phys. & Chem. Solid, 530, 797, (1992)
  8. K SREEKRISHNA KUMAR and M ABDULKHADAR, Influence of Na2O on the DC electrical conductivity of Cabal glasses, Solid St. Ionics : Materials & Applications 499, (1992)
  9. C S MENON and N V ELDHOSE, Third order elastic constants of high temperature superconductor YBa2Cu3O7, Solid St. Commun. 81, 357, (1992)
  10. ABDULKHADAR and K.C. GEORGE, Study of laser Raman spectra of nanoparticles of AgI and HgI2 , Solid state Commu. 84, 603, (1992)
  11. C. GEORGE and M.ABDULKHADAR, Pattern formation in interacting suspensions, Crys. Res. Technology 27, 1067, (1992)
  12. V S PANKAJAKSHAN, K NEELAKANDAN and C S MENON, Electrical conductivity of vacuum deposited vanadium pentoxide thin films, Thin Solid Films, 215, 196, (1992)

List of Papers published during 1993

  1. GEORGE VARGHESE, CYRIAC JOSEPH and M A ITTYACHEN, Estimation of diffusion coeff. and a plausible identification of species from one dimensional Leisegang ring formations in multicomponent systems, J. Mat. Sc. 28, (1993)
  2. ABDULKHADAR and K.C. GEORGE, Study of interaction between microclusters of silver and Arsenious trisulphide, Proc. Indian Aca. Sci. – chem.sci. 105, 25, (1993)
  3. C. GEORGE and M.ABDULKHADAR, Study of interaction between small particles of AgI and HgI2, Nanostructured materials,2, 623, (1993)
  4. S KRISHNAKUMAR and C S MENON, Electrical and optical properties of molybdenum trioxide thin films, Bull. Mater. Sci 16, 187, (1993)
  5. N V UNNIKRISHNAN and R D SINGH, Relaxation of photoconductivity in ZnS under pulsed excitation, Ind. J. Pure & Appl. Phys. 31, 531., (1993)

List of Papers published during 1994

  1. J KOSHY, J K THOMAS, J KURIEN, Y P YADAVA, M A ITTYACHEN and A D DAMODARAN, Superconductivity in YBa2Cu3O7-d — YBa2HfO5 composites by rapid quenching in air, Physica C. 219, 141, (1994)
  2. K S RAJU, K N KRISHNA, JAYAKUMARI ISAC and M A ITTYACHEN, Structural characterisation of gel grown neodymium copper oxalate single crystals, Bull. Mat. Sc. 17, 7, 1447, (1994)
  3. ABDULKHADAR and K.C. GEORGE, Laser Raman study of interaction between microclusters of AgI and HgI2. Nanostructured materials, 4, 445-449, (1994)
  4. ABDULKHADAR and BINNY THOMAS, D.C. Conductivity of nano-particles of AgI, Solid State Ionic Materials, Ed.BVR Chowdari et al, World Scientific Publishing Co. pp. 247-251, (1994)
  5. C VENUGOPAL, P J KURIAN and G RENUKA, Ion cyclotron modes in weakly relativistic plasmas, J. Plasma Phys. 51, 371-379, (1994)
  6. G AJITH KUMAR, SABIR HUSSAIN and N V UNNIKRISHNAN, Crystal growth system with modified pulling arrangement and temperature controller, Sci. Technol. 5, 1018., (1994)
  7. C C GEORGE, G AJITH KUMAR and N V UNNIKRISHNAN, Fluorescence quenching in dyes under optically thin approximation, Pramana J. Phys. 43, 237, (1994)
  8. D MOHAN, R D SINGH, ANJU BHATTY, G AJITH KUMAR and N V UNNIKRISHNAN, Optical amplification in CsI:In(Tl) ionic crystal under N2– laser excitation., Optics Commun. 111, 281, (1994)
  9. L GODFREY, J PHILIP and M T SEBASTIAN, Elastic constant and high temperature elastic anomalies near 425 K in lithium hydrazinium sulphate, J. Appl. Phys.(USA) 75, 2393-2397, (1994)
  10. ROSHAN ABRAHAM, JUGAN J and M ABDULKHADAR, Ultrasonic studies in CTAB-NaSal system, J. Acoustical Society of India, 22, 35-40, (1994)
  11. JUGAN J, ROSHAN ABRAHAM and M ABDULKHADAR, Ultrasonic studies in silica hydrogel, J. Acoust. Soc. India, 22, 47-51, (1994)
  12. K NANDAKUMAR, Calorimetric investigations on As-Te-Se and Ge-As-Se glasses, Bull. Mater. Sci, 17, 3 p225, (1994)
  13. S BINDU, G RENUKA, M S SINDU and C VENUGOPAL, Plasma Beta Parameter, plasma sheet wave temperature and AE Index, Indian J. Physics, 68B, 443-449, (1994)
  14. M ABDULKHADAR and K C GEORGE, Laser Raman study of interaction between microclusters of AgI and HgI2., Nanostructured Materials, 4, 445, (1994)
  15. V S PANKAJAKSHAN, K NEELAKANDAN and C S MENON, Dielectric properties of vacuum deposited vanadium pentoxide thin film capacitor, Ind. J. Phys. 68A, 485, (1994)

List of Papers published during 1995

  1. INDULEKHA K, Slow collapse of an ensemble of self gravitating glass clouds, J. Astron. & Astrophysics,, (1995)
  2. INDULEKHA K and RAMADURAI S, Magnetic braking in elliptical galaxies, Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomy Society, (1995)
  3. INDULEKHA K, The angular momentum problem in elliptical galaxies (Review), J. Sc. Industrial Res., (1995)
  4. JAYAKUMARI ISAC and M A ITTYACHEN, Growth kinetics of praseodymium barium Molybdate crystals in gel, J. Mater. Sc. Letters, (1995)
  5. CYRIAC JOSEPH, GEORGE VARGHESE and M A ITTYACHEN, Growth and characterisation of mixed neodymium praseodymium oxalate decahydrate crystals in silica gel. Res. Tech. 30, 159, (1995)
  6. BINNY THOMAS and M.ABDULKHADAR, Elastic properties of consolidated nano-particles of ZnS and CdS. Solid State Commun. 94, 205 – 210., (1995)
  7. ABDULKHADAR and BINNY THOMAS, Study of dielectric properties of nano-particles of CdS Phys. Stat. Sol. a, 150, 755, (1995)
  8. BINNY THOMAS and M.ABDULKHADAR, DC Conductivity and dielectric properties of nano-particles of red mercuric iodide, Crystal Res. and Tech. 30, 723, (1995)
  9. ABDULKHADAR and BINNY THOMAS, Study of Raman spectra of nano-particles of CdS and ZnS, Nanostructured Materials 5, 289, (1995)
  10. ABDULKHADAR and BINNY THOMAS, Raman scattering in nano-particles of mercuric iodide, Materials Res. Bulletin 30, 1301-1308, (1995)
  11. AMBILY S and C S MENON, Electrical conductivity studies and optical absorption studies in copper phthalocyanine thin films, Solid State Commun., 94, (6) p485, (1995)
  12. M S SINDHU, G RENUKA and C VENUGOPAL, Particle diffusion and adiabatic expansion of plasmoids, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Earth Planet Sci.) 104, 37-47, (1995)
  13. S BINDU, G RENUKA and C VENUGOPAL, Reconnection theory and geomagnetic activity in the plasma sheet during solar cycle 1965-86, Ind. J. Radio & Space Phys., 24, 50-53, (1995)
  14. C VENUGOPAL, P J KURIEN and G RENUKA, Ion cyclotron instabilities in a mildly relativistic hydrogen-deuterium fusion plasma, Pramana – J. Phys. 45, 453-462, (1995)
  15. BINNY THOMAS and M ABDULKHADAR, Ultrasonic investigations in suspensions of nano-particles of ZnS and CdS, Acustica (communicated), (1995)
  16. M ABDULKHADAR and BINNY THOMAS, DC conductivity of nano-particles of ZnS and CdS, Solid State Commun. (communicated), (1995)
  17. BINNY THOMAS and M ABDULKHADAR, Raman scattering studies in nano-particles of AgI, Materials Letters (communicated), (1995)
  18. J JUGAN, ROSHAN ABRAHAM and M ABDULKHADAR, Theoretical calculation at acoustic nonlinearity parameter B/A of binary mixtures, Pramana – J. Phys. 45, 221-226, (1995)
  19. ROSHAN ABRAHAM, J JUGAN and M ABDULKHADAR, Theoretical estimation of ultrasonic velocity in the binary mixtures of Toluene with n-alkanols, J. Acoust. Soc. India., (accepted), (1995)
  20. ROSHAN ABRAHAM, J JUGAN and M ABDULKHADAR, Ultrasonic parameters of the binary mixtures of toluene with n-alkanols, J. Acoust. Soc. India., (accepted), (1995)
  21. JUGAN J, ROSHAN ABRAHAM and M ABDULKHADAR, Theoretical calculation of Acoustic nonlinearlity parameters B/A and internal pressure of some organic liquids at 293.15 K, J. Acoust. Soc. India, (accepted), (1995)
  22. S KRISHNAKUMAR and C S MENON, Optical and electrical properties of molybdenum trioxide, vanadium pentoxide and titanium dioxide thin films, Phys. Stat. Sol., (accepted), (1995)
  23. K NANDAKUMAR and J PHILIP, Composition dependence of optical band gap and thermal diffusivity in Ge-As-Se glasses, Ind. J. Phys. (accepted), (1995)
  24. BINNY THOMAS and M ABDULKHADAR, Study of dielectric properties of nano-particles of ZnS, Pramana-Ind. J. Phys. 45, 431, (1995)
  25. ELDHOSE NV and C S MENON, Higher order elastic constants of Y-based superconducting compound, Solid St. Commun. (accepted), (1995)
  26. JOSEPH GEORGE and MENON C S, Electrical and optical properties of Indium Oxide thin films, Ind. J Pure & Applied Phys, 33, 700-705, (1995)
  27. C S MENON, Electrical and optical properties of non-stoichiometric CIS thin films, Ind. J. Pure & Appl. Physics (accepted), (1995)
  28. JAYACHANDRAN K P AND C S MENON, Low temperature thermal expansion of HTSC BiSrCaCuO, J. Solid State Chem. (in press), (1995)
  29. GODFREY AND J.PHILIP, A numerical technique for bond correction in ultrasonic measurements, Acoust. Lett (UK), 19, 11-14, (1995)
  30. K.THOMAS, J.KURIEN, M.A.ITTYACHEN & JACOB KOSHY, Superconducting YBa2Cu3O7-delta and YBa2Cu3O7-delta-Ag thick films by dip coating on YBa2HfO5.5 ceramic substrate, Mat. Lett. 25, 301, (1995)


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