Home > Dr N V Unnikrishnan
Dr N V Unnikrishnan
Visiting Professor
School of Pure & Applied Physics
Mahatma Gandhi University
Kottayam – 686 560, India
Tel: 91-481- 731043
Mobile: 9745047850
Email: nvu100@yahoo.com |
- B.Sc. : University of Kerala
- M.Sc. : University of Kerala
(Merit scholarship holder at UG & PG level)
Ph.D. (Physics, Laser Spectroscopy): Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak
Thesis Title: Relaxation and Photoconductivity Mechanism in Optical Materials Under Pulsed Laser Excitation
Supervisor: Prof. (Dr) R.D Singh
Ph.D. Examiner: Padma Bhushan Prof (Dr) A R Verma.
Professional Employment
- Research Fellow (CSIR) Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak1978-1985
- Research Associate BARC, Bombay & M D University1985-1987
- Lecturer Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam1987-1995
- Reader Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam1995-2003
- Professor Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam2003-2014
- Emeritus Scientist (KSCSTE, Govt of Kerala) Mahatma Gandhi
- University, Kottayam2014(onwards)
Research Activities
- Laser Spectroscopy
- Photonics
- Nano Science
- Sol-gel optics
- Nonlinear Optics
- Total Number of publications: 282
- h-index : 30
- Citation -current: 4200
- Number of Ph. Ds Supervised: 34
- Number of M.Phils Supervised: 50
- Number of Post Doctoral fellows (completed):6
- No of conferences and symposia attended: 50
- No of seminar/conference convened : 5
- No of Projects Completed : 10
- The reviewer of international journals: 30
- Books Edited : 1
- Books Chapters: 10
Major Research Projects
Total Projects
Completed: 09
Ongoing: 01
- Member of American Chemical Society, Columbus USA
- Member board of studies in Photonics & Board of Studies in Physics, Cochin University of Science and Technology. Member, Board of Studies in Optoelectronics, University of Kerala
- Former Dean Faculty of science, M.G University, Kottayam.
- Member apex resource group (Shathra poshini) KSCSTE, Govt of Kerala.
- Referee of Internationally reputed scientific journals
- Life member of Indian Laser Association, Asian Crystallographic Association & Academy of Physics Teachers
- Former member Academic Council, M.G University, Kottayam(2009-2012)
- Former Chairman, Board of Studies(P.G Physics and P.G Pure&Applied Physics)
- Member DST-SAIF High-power committee (STIC), CUSAT, Cochin.
- Chairman and resource person KSCSTE research fellowship committee.
Administrative Experience
- Director: School of pure & Applied Physics (2009- 2012)
- Co-ordinator- SAP-DRS (UGC).
- Director in charge: STAS, M G University.
- Co-ordinator- DST-FIST.
- Co-ordinator- UGC-BSR.
Research Collaborations
- Prof. Paolo Laporta, Dipartimento di Fisica, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- Dr. Gin Jose, Institute of Material Science, University of Leeds, UK
- Prof. V P N Nampoori, ISP, CUSAT.
- Dr. Reji Philip, Scientist, RRI, Bangalore.
- Dr. M R. Anantharaman, Dept of Physics, CUSAT
- Dr. Mahadevan Pillai, professor, Kerala University, Trivandrum
- Dr. Toney Teddy Fernandez, Instituto de Physica, Madrid, Spain
- Dr.Sujatha Devi, CGCRI, Kolkata
- Dr.G.Ajithkumar, University of Texas, Texas
- Dr. C.K Jayasankar, S.V University, Tirupathi
Selected Publications
- Prathibha Vasudevan, Sunil Thomas, Biju P.R, Sudarsanakumar C and Unnikrishnan N.V, Synthesis and structural characterizations of sol-gel derived titania/ poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) hybrids, J.Sol gel Sci. Tech. 62 (2012) 41.
- Ann Mary, N V Unnikrishnan, Reji Philip, Ultrafast optical nonlinearity in nanostructured Se allotropes, Chem. Phys. Lett. 588 (2013) 136
- K.P. Revathy, S.H. Al- Harthi, Ashraf T. Al-Hinai, M. Elzain, A.K George, N.V Unnikrishnan, I. Al-Amri, M.T.Z. Myint , Pattern formation of Gold-PVA nanomix spin coated on different substrates. Colloids and Surfaces A 417 (2013) 73.
- Sunil Thomas, Sk. Nayab Rasool, M. Rathaiah, V. Venkatramu, Cyriac Joseph, N.V.Unnikrishnan, Spectroscopic and dielectric studies of Sm 3 + ions in lithium zinc borate glasses, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 376 (2013) 106.
- K. V. Arun Kumar, M. S. Sajna, Vinoy Thomas, Cyriac Joseph, N. V. Unnikrishnan,Plasmonic and Energy Studies of Ag Nanoparticles in Silica-Titania Hosts, Plasmonics 9 (2014) 631.
- Xavier Joseph , Rani George, Sunil Thomas, Manju Gopinath, M.S. Sajna , N.V. Unnikrishnan, Spectroscopic investigations on Eu 3+ ions in Li–K–Zn fluorotellurite glasses, Optical Materials 37 (2014) 552.
- Ann Mary K.A, N V Unnikrishnan, Reji Philip, Role of Surface States And Defects In The Ultrafast Nonlinear Optical Properties, APL Mater. 2 (2014) 076104.
- K. A Ann Mary, Reji Philip, N. V. Unnikrishnan, Cubic to amorphous transformation of Sein silica with improved ultrafast optical nonlinearity, RSC advances, 5 (2015) 14034.
- M.S. Sajna, Sunil Thomas, C. Jayakrishnan, Cyriac Joseph, P.R. Biju, N.V. Unnikrishnan,NIR emission studies and dielectric properties of Er 3+ -doped multicomponent tellurite glasses", Spectrochimica Acta Part A 161 (2016) 130.
- M.S. Sajna, Subash Gopi, V.P. Prakashan, M.S. Sanu, Cyriac Joseph, P.R. Biju, N.V.Unnikrishnan, Spectroscopic investigations and phonon side band analysis of Eu 3+ -doped multicomponent tellurite glasses, Optical Materials 70 (2017) 31